What Chris can do for you

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Let's dig into it!

The most common reason people seek me out seems to be to have me just sit and listen to what is alive in them. Sometimes I give back a reflection or ask a question. Sometimes I ask to clarify something. Either way there is a movement downwards to the heart of whatever is being discussed.

Together we arrive at the core of the matter, and there is its emotional content that we can be with together or perhaps a problem that often with the right question the other person already has the solution to, perhaps not.
A session with me often follows this track and sometimes pulls from what is described on the other pages in this site.

Either way, I sit in service am ready to dig into whatever it is with you!

ContactAbout Chris


“For the last four years I have made all significant decisions according to my human design. This, together with my study of the system has left me with enormously increased self acceptance/self love. Just being comfortable in my own skin and secure in who I am. I have regained my self trust in regards to decision making. I am dedicated to my experiment” -Chris.

What can I tell you about your chart?

I can take you through the recognisable themes of the ‘not self’ that have grown in the white shapes of your design. How when making decisions using the mind, it draws on these not self themes and how this leads to terrible decisions and as a consequence a loss of self trust in our decision making abilities over time this relates to losing trust in ones ability to make good decisions and a tendency to look to something external to rely on.
I can introduce you to strategy (how decisions come to you) and authority (which part of the body to listen to when deciding’ and extend an invitation to experiment with making decisions this way instead.
I can take you though different aspects of the chart so we can match up how you experience yourself, and perhaps how others experience you that you may not be aware of and the value and beauty of this which most people find tremendously helpful for their self acceptance.
I give further materials to listen to about how your mind and brain operate or anything else you have specific questions about.

“I believe apology and relationship repair are essential parts of maintaining any mature relationship in all its various forms. Unfortunately these skills are not commonly practiced despite being essential to lasting connections” -Chris.

Mediation for when communication breaks down and conflict resolution.

I have been told it has been valuable for me to sit with and witness a conflict or unresolvable issue between two people. Or to draw out the essence of what needs to be communicated to the other. Apart from it being easy for me to see what is happening behind what people are saying, my intuition often has many ‘hits’ on good questions to ask or to clarify things. If you need some support, please reach out beyond your couple bubble or the suffering that comes from a conflict that sits between you and another, taking up all the space and your energy and allow me to mediate so there can be a clearing and a return to harmony.

Eliminating unwanted core beliefs or agreements we have about who we are, who others are or what the world is like.

We have all been exposed to things people have said to us, often early in life that we have taken in so deeply they have, over time simply become who we think we are. e.g.
“I’m a bad person”
“I’m a monster”
“People want to be around me when I am useful to them” (Chris: This was one of mine)
“I’m a good girl”
Or we were left alone to draw our own conclusions about why traumatic experiences happened to us.
“I’m worth how people treat me” (Chris: This was one of mine)
“I deserve to be treated badly”
Just as there was a time we didn’t think these statements were who we are, we can use a simple healing technique designed to work with the mind on its level to bring these parasites out of our depths to throw them out of us and burn them away”.

Do you have something significant you long to achieve in your life but it just feels either overwhelming or brings up lots of anxiety, perhaps too many moving parts to even begin or perhaps carry on with?

I work with a goal setting system to break down all the steps that need to be taken to manifest your dream. Identify support that’s needed, nurture and clarify why it is important to you and identify likely places you get stuck and what to do about it.
This could be anything from a single planning session to ongoing support/full project management to keep you on track.

Click/tap here to download a free copy of the goal setting template. [COMING SOON]

A session can also include the cycle of goal setting, beginning with your ‘did’ list if you need to raise your confidence or if you are feeling brave, a super confronting urgency exercise where we see how long you might have left in your life to accomplish what you want to do!

Examples of some things I have achieved applying this system to my own life:
-I lost 15kg of weight.
-I qualified for a new BM Mini as part of the business  built in my 20s
-I completed my first marathon.
-I rid myself of my addiction to caffeine and sugar.
-I healed most of the trauma in my body and no longer have triggered traumatic reactions.

“After learning how to navigate my emotional life using these skills, situations that used to knock me over for weeks I can now navigate through in hours. My emotions have become my allies rather than unwanted monsters that can only be squashed down or thrown out at people.
I changed my relationship with them and no longer see any of them as negative or a problem. In fact I see them as essential and human” – Chris

I have learned a bundle of emotional skills that have enabled me to continue to move through life even when I find myself in the rapids of rage, panic, dread and other strong emotions.

1. How to feel my boundary.
2. How to feel inside my body
3. How to feel two places in my body at the same time
4. How to ground
5. How to feel safe and relax
7. How to complain deliberately
8. How to channel emotions e.g. Anger to find strength to say or do what is necessary.


“After I learned how to keep a balance sheet and have my money create some of my income I was able to eliminate unwanted work , create more balance in my life and only do what I want to do, so what is on this website really!” -Chris

I can guide you to inventory your assets and liabilities. Bring into awareness how that feeds into your income and expenses. Ultimately what it would take for you to get out of the rat race and recover as much of your life from the realm of work as your boundaries say is good for you.

Click here to download a free copy of the balance sheet. [COMING SOON]

1 Session

SEK 600
  • Videochat or in person

10 Session

SEK 5400
  • 9 + 1 session free
  • Videochat or in person

Deep Dive

SEK ----
  • Stay with me for x days
  • 24/7 support


  • To be announced